Friday, February 5, 2016

Getting started with a bit about me...

I must be crazy - I already have a blog where I post stuff on my rocket hobby, and it's hard enough to keep up with that. So why am I starting this one? Well, I do have opinions on things that are not rocket related, and I am not one to spread said opinions all over Facebook and other places; I have no desire to be unfriended. However, one must express oneself on occasion, and that's why I created this place. Here you will find my musings on things mainly archaeological, with a little astronomy here and there; I also cannot promise to stay away from a political post every now and then.

So, now that I have explain the reasoning behind this apparent madness, let's get started with a bit about me.

At work, I'm the lead for the NASA Meteoroid Environments Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center, located in Huntsville, Alabama. My specialty is meteoroids (bet you couldn’t guess) with emphasis on the risks posed to spacecraft by this natural debris. But this blog is not going to contain anything related to meteors, or my employer. It's a place for me to let my hair (singular at my age) down and put my thoughts out there for folks to read and comment upon, should they have this desire. However, you cannot separate yourself from your basic nature, and I should warn you that my sister thinks I can be best described as a "short, fat Sheldon Cooper."  After spending many long years getting my PhD in Astronomy, I consider myself a scientist and so think that the scientific method is the best, most objective path to knowledge of the Universe. Over time, I have learned that debates over ideas are healthy and productive, as long as the discussions are based on reasoned thought and objective evidence, and provided that personal attacks are not made on the debaters. This is how progress is made. And this is how I hope to formulate my posts and responses to comments.

Finally, some legalese -  "The opinions in this blog are mine and mine alone."

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